2015-06-24                                                                                                                       Per Undén

UERRA MST meeting 8 minutes, 23 June 2015

      1. Present:

Per Undén, Manola Brunet, Andrea Kaiser-Weiss, Richard Renshaw


  1. Agenda

  1. Action points from MST 7 (5 min)

  2. Progress reports/updates in the Work Packages (15 min)

  3. Deliverables progress and update (10 min)

  4. Archiving progress (5 min)

  5. Copernicus Climate Change services and UERRA approach (15 min)

  6. UERRA User Workshop (5 min)

  7. Meetings and Copernicus Workshop (5 min)

  8. Next MST meeting

  9. Action points

General about the MST

Dale had double booked and Albert had to attend another meeting at short notice. Richard deputized for Dale. There is a proposal or discussion to change WP2 leader due to onerous duties in Dale's new position as Deputy Director of Weather Science.


  1. Action points from MST6

1.. Dale to contact all UERRA WP2 organisations and produce a draft white paper on regional reanalysis Copernicus proposal.

There has been no progress on this point. He has not had any time to do this and Dale has discussed with Richard and he was asked to work on it with Dale's input. It will now be planned for the end of September. WP2 partners should be involved in the process and on the DWD side it is important that Frank Kaspar is included as the contact person.

2. Per will pass the Parameter list (and UERRA model comparison table) to ECMWF.

This was done at the end of April. ECWMF (Manuel and Richard) has received it.


  1. Progress reports in the WPs

  1. WP1.

The data rescue has progressed faster now with more personnel guiding and supervising the students at URV. Some 7 Million data have been processed up to date in UERRA. (Slovenia, Spain, .... from 1951). The AEMET data are not yet available since they want to check what is already digitised or not. Catalonian data are processed. Due to the quick progress of post 1951 data they will then proceed with pre-1951 observations.

Some more input for the Deliverable (1.3) from NMA-Romania is expected soon and then the report will be completed.

UEA and Phil Jones have developed new calculation procedures for the gridding, but it will be some delay in releasing the new software. There has been collaboration with KNMI for the E-OBS data sets and it will be combined with other national efforts for the Deliverable D1.11.

  1. WP2.

The work at UBO has progressed well as the report of the Deliverable 2.11 was submitted end of March. The MO is porting the system to the Cray (cca) and they have the ensemble of 4D-VARs up and working. The SMHI RA:s with the two physics for 5 years is soon completed, but the analysis and report cannot be done until during August. MF is has progressed on their runs with 6 members from the SMHI runs.

  1. WP3.

Michael and Cristian have been working together on the first version of the software and two repositories had been set up on github.This is basically the Deliverable D3.3. They have been working on test data and against conventional observations and gridded data sets, respectively. The basic scores are there but there are still more to be added. The satellite data also remain to be handled by the software.

The access to the regional reanalyses data is now of priority in order to get some results. ECMWF has archived the 2 years of EURO4M HIRLAM data for the same period as the Met Office data were archived (2008-2009),COSMO and MF test data are incorporated, with archiving of full period planned for in August.

There will be a side meeting at the EMS conference on the Tuesday afternoon where the work in WP3 will be further discussed. Andrea, Michael and Cristian are organising this.

  1. WP4 and archiving

KNMI is setting up the data plan in coordination with the CLIPC project.

Per has discussed the progress of the archiving of UERRA data with Manuel and Richard at ECMWF. The final list of parameters is there and there are a few for which GRIB2 definitions have to be made with WMO. (Surface variables from MF SURFEX). Probably one can start with all the others and they will check the test data, e.g. from HARMONIE. The ECMWF wiki confluence pages will be updated (and they have at the time of writing). There is also the ODB feedback files to be checked for archiving and the HARMONIE ones are available. Then Met Office ones will need to be checked and probably also COSMO files

  1. WP7

An on-line Newsletter was issued (on uerra.eu) and a general UERRA poster has been made with excellent help from Lilo Bach. It will also be available on the web site.

  1. WP8

The preparations for the User Workshop 3-4 February are under way and a list of invited contacts has been set up. The draft programme was sent to the MST members last time (end of April).

  1. WP9

The overarching coordination gets more and more integrated into the Copernicus services but there is still a need for telephone conferences for coordination.


  1. Deliverables

D 1.3 – Infilling temporal and spatial gaps post-1950: Almost complete and just awaiting complenting information from NMA-Romania. (M18).

D 1.9 – E-OBS impact of data density (M15). Delayed and KNMI wishes to coordinate this with other work and a paper and is expected for December.

D 1.10 and 12 (Gridding improvements and resolution enhancement) (M24). These are expected to be a little delayed as explained before.

D 2.1 – Ensemble variational DA development (M21). It will be done in September.

D 2.5 – HARMONIE physics ensemble (M12). Substantially delayed but the runs are soon completed. The data extraction and the analysis of results and a report still remain and will be done in August.

D 3.3 – A starting set of algorithms in the portable programming package (M15). The work is done and the packacke and scripts are on github with instructions.

D 4.1 – It is not ready yet but discussed with CLIPC and ECMWF and expected soon. (M12)

D 7.3 – M18. Comes up soon – to be checked with KNMI.

D 8.1 – Initial review of the user requirements (M12) – Ongoing and expected soon. Material has been put together.

D 8.2 – User Workshop I (M24). The planning is ongoing and a draft programme exists (see also above).

D 9.2 – Web portal : Common web page. The common web page under clipc.eu will be submitted as a deliverable by CLIPC (although it appears in all 5 projects). (M6).


  1. Copernicus services and discussions and meetings

There have been discussions with WP1 partners and it is proposed that the UERRA participants at the EMS/ECAM meeting in Sofia meet and continue discussion. Moreover, the white paper on regional reanalyses will be made in September.

For the EMS meeting 6-11 September there will be. apart from Michael and Cristian, Peter Jermey, Frank Kaspar, Per and Andrea of course, and most probably Albert and Eric Bazile, will be at the EMS meeting. Manola will be there for a few days in the middle of the week. We will also organise an ad hoc MST+ meeting of UERRA people on the Wednesday to also review and plan for the Copernicus services. Frank will present a poster of using reanalyses for climate services for Germany where UERRA is mentioned.


  1. UERRA User Workshop

Preparations have been done and are continuing (see above under WP8).


  1. Next MST meeting

It will be held in September when people are back (except that some meeting will take place in Sofia when most of the MST are there).